The Pescatarian Diet

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What's the pescatarian diet?

A pescatarian diet falls within the category of vegetarianism and includes fish and seafood but not meat or fowl. Fish and seafood are frequently consumed by pescatarians, along with a range of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Dairy and eggs are also common foods for some pescatarians. The diet is frequently chosen for reasons related to health, morality, or the environment.

Is the pescatarian diet good for losing weight?

A healthy and productive strategy to reduce weight is by following a pescatarian diet. Lean protein sources like fish and seafood can make you feel full and satisfied and help you avoid overeating. A fruit and vegetable-rich diet also offers fiber and other nutrients that can aid in weight loss. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that calorie balance ultimately determines weight reduction, thus when following a pescatarian diet, it is imperative to pay attention to portion sizes and be cautious of calorie-dense items, such as cheese and added oils.




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